The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

And the truth is monotheism and belief in it. Whoever has this certainty before dying is cut off from his happiness and its connection, for the certainty of correct consideration and clear revelation prevents him from turning away from the truth, for he is aware of the matter and insight. And whoever has this certainty when dying is in the will, even if money leads to happiness. But after committing hardships against the one who has committed his sins, dying does not occur except after witnessing the matter to which creation is transferred, and unless he witnesses that, then death does not attend him, and that does not constitute dying. So whoever believes before that dying with one soul or repents, that faith will benefit him, and he who repents will be with God in the Hereafter. And his condition when his soul is taken is the condition of one who has not committed a sin, and whether his return to that is severe pain and illness that forces him to cut off what he hopes for from t

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So if the servant moves from the life of this world to the life of greater honor, then God Almighty has created two resurrections in the universe, a minor resurrection and a major resurrection. The minor resurrection is the servant’s transition from the life of this world to the life of barzakh in the represented body, which is what he, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, said: “Whoever dies, his resurrection has occurred.”

And whoever is among the people of vision will see his Lord

The Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, said when he warned his nation of the Antichrist that God will not be seen by anyone until he dies

The Great Resurrection is the Resurrection of Resurrection and the Great Resurrection in which people will gather, and it is in the Great Resurrection. I mean a person who is between an official and an accountant, and one who discusses his account and does not discuss it. It is the easy reckoning, which is presenti

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And know that bodies are the sarcophagi of souls and their taste, and they are what obscure them. If they bear witness and bear witness, they will not see or be seen except by departing from these shrines, annihilation from them, not separation. So if they cease to witness them while they are possessed of sight, they witness their Creator by witnessing themselves, so whoever knows himself

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