The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

Whatever it was, the perpetrator of this violation will not refrain from pardoning or taking responsibility for what the author of his law has decreed upon him. The laws have spread to all nations, and this is the Almighty’s saying: And if there is any nation except that a warner has passed among it, then he is either a warner of God’s command and will, or a warner of God’s will, not by revelation sent down to him. It is known that it is from God, so God’s command is related only to finding his warning in Him, so it was said to his warning, “Be in this servant,” and it was, and he found the warning in himself and did not know where it came from. This is the difference between the divine law that the messengers brought from God and what the sages of the ages put in place in order to follow it for their own interests. He fulfilled the rights of His law, respected it, and stood at its limit seeking God’s pleasure. He did well in his work, and God does not waste the reward of one who

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As for faith, it is a general matter, and so is the disbelief that is the opposite of it. God has called a believer who believes in the truth, and he has called a believer who believes in falsehood, and he has called an infidel who disbelieves in God, and he has called an infidel who disbelieves in the tyrant, and between the wealth of these and those and the path that came to explain it, he supported it with evidence of its authenticity that it is With God is what is hoped for in every sect and group, and with every sect and good deeds, the head of which is faith, so they are subordinate to it. Faith in what was and what is in existential matters is more obscure than this issue, because God has associated a bad deed with adornment so that the worker sees it as good and takes it as a good deed, and God has intended the path, so He brought the alif and the lām for inclusion. On the path, for all of them are paths seen by the one who strives in God, and that struggle makes clear to

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What matters is the return from the many to the one, whether a believer or a polytheist, because the believer who gives the revelation of things as they are gives that, which is the Almighty’s saying, “So We have removed your covering from you, so today your sight is sharp,” and that was before he departed from this world. No one has ever been arrested except for a revelation. When he is arrested, he inclines toward the truth. Then

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