The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

Whoever heard it should return to him and say it so that he may be among those who are worthy of rejecting the truth. But that statement was not true in what it indicated. He who said it said it, so God condemned him and said, but in order to complete the story, the one who brought it to him, namely the Messenger, may God bless him and grant him peace, lied, and the truth lied either through his ignorance, so he did not know. Either he is stubborn and he is certain that he is right in the same matter, so he misled himself because this Messenger brought it as he said about the truth of this is his characteristic and they denied it and their souls were certain of it unjustly and arrogantly. Then he said and turned away after denying the truth and whoever brought it, so he turned away from the truth and then went to his people walking. This is the preoccupation of the arrogant, preoccupied, confused thinker who has become lazy about what he has heard. In the outward appearance, he kn

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It is related to this connection that we have finished with, which is that the servant is behind in the same matter behind the rank of his Creator, and there is a barrier between him and witnesses to that due to the forgetfulness, forgetfulness, and heedlessness that God has placed in him, so he imagines that he has a foothold in dominion, and the situation bears witness to the contrary, so in the situation he is fulfilled and in the same matter. As he is, he is the bearer of witnesses, and he has no happiness in that, rather he has misery, and this is the ultimate deprivation, and it continues to be so until the cover is removed, and the sight sharpens, and he sees the matter as it is and believes in it, so what benefit is his faith, for faith can only be through news, not through sight, for the believer is only one who believes in the unseen. It is the news that came from God, for news, as it is news, is accepted as truth, and falsehood is accepted as if it is possible .

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