The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

Worshiping a creature out of God’s command or other than God’s command is wretched, and whoever prostrates without worshiping a creature, if it is about God’s command, it is obedience, then he is happy. And if he prostrates to a non-worshiping creature other than God’s command, then it is monasticism that he invented, and he did not take care of it properly... except for the sake of seeking it. God’s satisfaction, because he only intended it to bring him closer to God. This situation was not neglected by God, and God, when His servant thinks of him, does not disappoint him, so let him think of him as good. The polytheists must take it to transgress them with a misplaced and fabricated noun, and there has been no command to do so from God, and it is impossible for worship to be rejected, even if prostration is reported. And if the name of divinity had not been placed on the partner, they would not have worshiped Him. Indeed, the souls of humankind naturally refrain from worshiping

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With which God created creation, do you not see what some of them said? And nothing destroys us except eternity.

So God Almighty said in the clear and correct revelation, “Do not curse eternity, for God is eternity. You will see it.”

He said This he brought in vain, no, by God, rather he brought it as a mercy to His servants, for eternity, according to those who say it, is what is perceptible to them, but rather it is an imaginary matter whose form in the world is the existence of night and day due to the movement of the planet sun in its orbit, which is moved by the movement of the greatest orbit, so the zodiac sign which has the day by its movement just as night and day appear. The sun planet in it was neither day nor night nor day, with the presence of degrees and minutes and less than that, so there is no general polytheism or general obstruction with this. Rather, they are names of sublimity that they gave to tangible and imaginary objects other than the comm

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