The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

The choice is due to our permissibility because the truth is due to itself, and the right is not subject to permissibility because of the permissibility that permissibility requires of preference. It is likely that it is impossible for God to choose in the will because it is impossible for Him to permit it, because it is impossible for God to have a preponderance that gives preference to a command rather than a command, for He is the preponderant for Himself. The will is one-related and there is no choice in it. For this reason, the possible cannot be understood at all except as probable, except that the Truth, from being Forgiving, has sent His covering and veil among some of His servants, and referring to the return of the Truth to Himself in His need for the world, He said in that cover, for God is Self-sufficient of the worlds, and this is not possible to judge unless there is a Knower or is dependent on the will. The choice and both matters with the existence of the world doe

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And the sixth house relates to it

Whoever conceals the truth and does not reveal it *** then that is the person who has disbelieved

And it is not hidden from the beholder *** in it with the mind's eye or with sight

Blessed be God who has not *** appears in the forms that have appeared

for He is always the Creator *** in everything that appears or has appeared

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Know, may God help you, that worshiping God in the unseen is identical to worshiping Him with testimony, for man and every worshiper is not right to worship his deity except through witnesses, either with reason, sight, or foresight. For insight, the worshiper bears witness to it and worships Him, otherwise his worship is not valid, for the worshiper is only witnessed and not absent, so if I inform him of his manifestation In the forms of sight until his servant also distinguishes it from the visual witnesses, and that does not happen except after he sees it with the eye of his insight, so whoever combines the two .

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