The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

And nothing else increases it, and for this reason He said to Him, “The judgment, and to Him you will be returned.” That is, whoever believes that We have made everything perishable and does not know what we intended, if he sees what perishes and sees the survival of his eye witnessed by him, this world and the afterlife, he knows what we meant by the perishable thing, and that everything did not He is characterized by destruction, for he is my face, so he knew that things are nothing other than my face, for they did not perish, so he brought them back to their proper state. This is the meaning of his saying, “And to Him you will be returned,” and it is a gentle meaning that is hidden from those who have not memorized the Qur’an. If the “rich” is an expression of someone whose characteristic is this, and the “rich” is an expression of this characteristic, there is no rich except God, and so is the rich, his description and us. We only spoke about the servant, not about the truth.

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And it is related to it from the fifth house, and this fifth house of divine sciences includes the science of detailing the divine return according to the condition of the servants referred to it, and it is a dear knowledge, for God says, “And to Him all matters will be returned,” and He says, “And to Him you will be returned.” And here is the return of the truth to the servants from Himself despite His need for the worlds. So when It was not possible to create them except to return to them, to be occupied with them, and to preserve the world, for He did not create Him in vain, so He, Glory be to Him, returns to Him according to what each person requests from Him who knows Him, since He does not accept from Him anything except what He has in Himself of readiness, so He judges by His readiness the gifts of His Creator, so He does not give him anything except what his request requires. The matter was as we mentioned, and the Truth brought itself under the request of His servants, so

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