The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

And all of them are from Him, but *** this is how the ruling came to us in its form .

For every person who violates the command of the truth, this violation of the truth calls for a violation of its purpose, and therefore it is not Pardon, transgression, and forgiveness are a right as a reward for a slave’s transgression in some of his slaves, but that is only out of gratitude from God for him. If it is a reward, then it is a reward for someone who pardoned a slave like him and transgressed and forgave whoever wronged him in this world, so the right was established for him in that attribute of pardon, pardon, transgression, and forgiveness, like for example, hand in hand. And here

It was mentioned in the authentic report on the authority of the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, that God would not forbid usury from you and take it from you

God has never forbidden His servants from anything exc

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And know that this house is the house of moral inheritance, and it is the house of Sharia, and the fact that life is a condition in all the existence of lineages attributed to God, and this lineage obligated Him, Glory be to Him, to have His living name, so all the divine names are dependent on Him and conditional upon Him, even the name God, so the name God is dominant over all. The names that include the Living Name and the proportion of the Living Name have dominance over all nominal proportions, even the proportion of divinity by which God is called God.

May God’s prayers and peace be upon him, he said: The scholars are the heirs of the prophets, and they did not inherit a dinar or a dirham, but rather they inherited knowledge, so whoever takes from him, takes With abundant luck

And he said, “We, the prophets, do not inherit or bequeath what we leave as charity.

This means inheritance, that is, what money is bequeathed to the deceased from the dead. So

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