The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

His answer is in the adverb, so the answer is identical to the question. It contains knowledge of the status of one who exalts himself and the degradation of one who exaggerates beyond his ability. It contains knowledge of the benefit of the sermon, even if he disbelieves in it, for it has an effect on the inside of the listener, and if that is not apparent, then he feels it from himself. It contains knowledge of one who intends a deception but comes across the truth. According to him, it is a lie, then the consequence is that he told the truth about the matter itself, but he had no knowledge of it. In it is knowledge of the times and what to deal with rationally and legally according to the sound mind. In it is knowledge of determining noble morals. In it is knowledge that knowledge of what he does not know is that he does not know knowledge. And God speaks the truth and He guides the path.

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The rank of five is known *** Any number above it is memorized

It is memorized The remembrance of God from the mercy *** she performed has no document

except the One who protects our eyes *** and He is the Most High, the Eternal God

Everything in the universe is His creation *** To Him, when My servant calls upon Him, he prostrates itself

Were it not for Him, we would not exist with our own eyes *** Even though He, Glory be to Him, did not give birth

For despite the multitude in His wisdom *** He did not lack the attributes of oneness

If it were not for the existence of multiplicity in his rule***, it would not appear from him that the existenc

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Know, may God support us and you with a spirit from Him, that when God called Himself the apparent and the hidden, this necessitated that the existential matter for us be between the obvious and the hidden. So what He has made clear to us is the obvious, and what He has concealed from us is the hidden, and all of that is for Him, the Almighty, clear.

The Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, said in his supplication: O God, I ask you by every name by which you have named yourself or taught one of your creation

which is clear to those whom God has taught it and hidden to those who do not know it

Then He said: Or have you kept it in the knowledge of your unseen ?

This is hidden from what is other than God, and only God knows it, for God Almighty knows the secret, and it is what is between Him and His creation, and it is more hidden, and it is what only He knows, like the keys of the unseen that are with Him, which only He knows.

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