The rank of five is known *** Any number above it is memorized

It is memorized The remembrance of God from the mercy *** she performed has no document

except the One who protects our eyes *** and He is the Most High, the Eternal God

Everything in the universe is His creation *** To Him, when My servant calls upon Him, he prostrates itself

Were it not for Him, we would not exist with our own eyes *** Even though He, Glory be to Him, did not give birth

For despite the multitude in His wisdom *** He did not lack the attributes of oneness

If it were not for the existence of multiplicity in his rule***, it would not appear from him that the existenc" lang="en-GB" /> The rank of five is known *** Any number above it is memorized

It is memorized The remembrance of God from the mercy *** she performed has no document

except the One who protects our eyes *** and He is the Most High, the Eternal God

Everything in the universe is His creation *** To Him, when My servant calls upon Him, he prostrates itself

Were it not for Him, we would not exist with our own eyes *** Even though He, Glory be to Him, did not give birth

For despite the multitude in His wisdom *** He did not lack the attributes of oneness

If it were not for the existence of multiplicity in his rule***, it would not appear from him that the existenc"> “ Chapter Three Hundred and Sixty-Five on Knowing the House of Secrets that are connected in the Presence of Mercy to one whose status and condition are hidden from the universe and who is from the Presence of Muhammad. ”

The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

“ Chapter Three Hundred and Sixty-Five on Knowing the House of Secrets that are connected in the Presence of Mercy to one whose status and condition are hidden from the universe and who is from the Presence of Muhammad. ”

(Check the original text in Arabic ...)

FUTMAK.COM الفتوحات المكية: الصفحة 321 من الجزء Three

The rank of five is known *** Any number above it is memorized

It is memorized The remembrance of God from the mercy *** she performed has no document

except the One who protects our eyes *** and He is the Most High, the Eternal God

Everything in the universe is His creation *** To Him, when My servant calls upon Him, he prostrates itself

Were it not for Him, we would not exist with our own eyes *** Even though He, Glory be to Him, did not give birth

For despite the multitude in His wisdom *** He did not lack the attributes of oneness

If it were not for the existence of multiplicity in his rule***, it would not appear from him that the existenc


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