The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

It contains the essence of events, its wisdom *** and God, the Most Gracious, the One who does it, extends it

There is no lineage between him and his God *** except attachment and existing existence

Do not listen to a statement from an ignorant person *** Existence is based on truths and falsehoods < / p>

The foundation of existence is witnessed facts *** and the only existence is the false impossibility

He says that for the beginning of the universes there is evidence in them that they were not for themselves and then they were And it has the pronoun that refers to the beginning when the stirrup landed, that is, if you trace it from where it came, you will find it from the One who created it, and therefore it has the right to remain. God Almighty said, “And what is with God is everlas

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This house includes houses, including the house of gratitude, the house of valor, the house of spreading, the house of victory and gathering, the house of profit and loss, and impossibility, and we are in this

For houses of honor and sanctification *** The secret of a saying whose wisdom is reasonable . p style="color:#008000; text-align: center"> So he who exalts the clear truth is permissible *** What he said was meant to mislead

The exalted one says, in truth, he who is honest to himself, but he is exalted only by the one who is permitted to do what he exalts. From Him, and He is the created being, and for this reason, exaltation refers to the exalted.

He , may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, said, “It is only your deeds that will be returned to you.”

So whoever’s action is exaltation, his exaltation returns to him, so his place is exalted from being led by some belief. The truth should not be

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The approximation houses have a condition that defines ***, and they have control over the entity itself.

If the condition of resurrection is fulfilled and *** its mighty one is established, then existence will submit and serve

No souls will reap its fruits *** except those who have done it. And you are anthropomorphic.

He says that approximation is one of the attributes of newly created things because they accept approximation and its opposite, and the truth is the near, even though he described himself as approximating, and the source from it is approximation and closeness, and when he said a condition that is known, which is the acceptance of influence, he said, and the matter is not known, and the matter is generally revealed only in the afterlife. He said: Souls have no reap except what they planted in their worldly life

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This house also includes two houses, the house of the divine path and the house of hearing, and in it were organized

Houses of expectation appeared in the desert *** and its harvests. The hand of the close person is close to you

So gather its fruits from the branches of the nearness *** Do not gather from the ordinary branches

Do not deviate from your moderation and time *** In the middle of the road you will see the facts emerge

He says that what a person expects has appeared because he does not expect anything except that it has an appearance with him in his interior, for it has emerged from his unseen which he deserves. To the inside

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