The approximation houses have a condition that defines ***, and they have control over the entity itself.

If the condition of resurrection is fulfilled and *** its mighty one is established, then existence will submit and serve

No souls will reap its fruits *** except those who have done it. And you are anthropomorphic.

He says that approximation is one of the attributes of newly created things because they accept approximation and its opposite, and the truth is the near, even though he described himself as approximating, and the source from it is approximation and closeness, and when he said a condition that is known, which is the acceptance of influence, he said, and the matter is not known, and the matter is generally revealed only in the afterlife. He said: Souls have no reap except what they planted in their worldly life" lang="en-GB" /> The approximation houses have a condition that defines ***, and they have control over the entity itself.

If the condition of resurrection is fulfilled and *** its mighty one is established, then existence will submit and serve

No souls will reap its fruits *** except those who have done it. And you are anthropomorphic.

He says that approximation is one of the attributes of newly created things because they accept approximation and its opposite, and the truth is the near, even though he described himself as approximating, and the source from it is approximation and closeness, and when he said a condition that is known, which is the acceptance of influence, he said, and the matter is not known, and the matter is generally revealed only in the afterlife. He said: Souls have no reap except what they planted in their worldly life"> ( The house of approximation. This house includes two houses, the house of breach of customs and the house of Hadiyah, “Kun” and “In it I chanted. ”)

The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

( The house of approximation. This house includes two houses, the house of breach of customs and the house of Hadiyah, “Kun” and “In it I chanted. ”)

(Check the original text in Arabic ...)

FUTMAK.COM الفتوحات المكية: الصفحة 175 من الجزء One

The approximation houses have a condition that defines ***, and they have control over the entity itself.

If the condition of resurrection is fulfilled and *** its mighty one is established, then existence will submit and serve

No souls will reap its fruits *** except those who have done it. And you are anthropomorphic.

He says that approximation is one of the attributes of newly created things because they accept approximation and its opposite, and the truth is the near, even though he described himself as approximating, and the source from it is approximation and closeness, and when he said a condition that is known, which is the acceptance of influence, he said, and the matter is not known, and the matter is generally revealed only in the afterlife. He said: Souls have no reap except what they planted in their worldly life


(... Another Random Quote)

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