It contains the essence of events, its wisdom *** and God, the Most Gracious, the One who does it, extends it

There is no lineage between him and his God *** except attachment and existing existence

Do not listen to a statement from an ignorant person *** Existence is based on truths and falsehoods < / p>

The foundation of existence is witnessed facts *** and the only existence is the false impossibility

He says that for the beginning of the universes there is evidence in them that they were not for themselves and then they were And it has the pronoun that refers to the beginning when the stirrup landed, that is, if you trace it from where it came, you will find it from the One who created it, and therefore it has the right to remain. God Almighty said, “And what is with God is everlas" lang="en-GB" /> It contains the essence of events, its wisdom *** and God, the Most Gracious, the One who does it, extends it

There is no lineage between him and his God *** except attachment and existing existence

Do not listen to a statement from an ignorant person *** Existence is based on truths and falsehoods < / p>

The foundation of existence is witnessed facts *** and the only existence is the false impossibility

He says that for the beginning of the universes there is evidence in them that they were not for themselves and then they were And it has the pronoun that refers to the beginning when the stirrup landed, that is, if you trace it from where it came, you will find it from the One who created it, and therefore it has the right to remain. God Almighty said, “And what is with God is everlas"> In knowing the protected poles and the secrets of their preservation

The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

In knowing the protected poles and the secrets of their preservation

(Check the original text in Arabic ...)

FUTMAK.COM الفتوحات المكية: الصفحة 175 من الجزء One

It contains the essence of events, its wisdom *** and God, the Most Gracious, the One who does it, extends it

There is no lineage between him and his God *** except attachment and existing existence

Do not listen to a statement from an ignorant person *** Existence is based on truths and falsehoods < / p>

The foundation of existence is witnessed facts *** and the only existence is the false impossibility

He says that for the beginning of the universes there is evidence in them that they were not for themselves and then they were And it has the pronoun that refers to the beginning when the stirrup landed, that is, if you trace it from where it came, you will find it from the One who created it, and therefore it has the right to remain. God Almighty said, “And what is with God is everlas


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