The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

God, for example, created him only yesterday or now, for his existence was delayed even though the truth is powerful. Likewise, the ruling on the first existing thing in the world requires that God be characterized by the ability to create a thing, even if He did not create it, just as you are able to move at the time of your rest, even if you do not move or do not. This entails an impossibility, for there is no difference between the possible that exists now, later than others, and the first possible, for the truth is not described by the creation of Zaid at a time when there is no Zaid, so the picture is the same if you understand it, except that using the word “transformation” is not applied to God, even if He called Himself transformation, so we stand with it. The reasonableness of what we have mentioned, then there is nothing but God, the direction, and the acceptance of the possible for what God intended with that direction. These are three things that are necessary, and the

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Except that what is described is elevated with it because it is the essence of what is described and not other than it, and the precedence of nothingness to possible things is a psychological attribute because it is impossible for the possible to exist eternally, so what remains is that nothingness is eternal, so the precedence of nothingness has a psychological attribute and the possible things are distinct from realities and forms in themselves because realities give that. When God wanted to It is clothed in the state of existence, and then there is none other than God, who is the very essence of existence, and He is the Existent. The Almighty appeared to the possible things through the preparations of the possible things and their realities, so she saw herself as herself in the existence of her Creator while she was in her state of non-existence, for she has perceptions in her state of non-existence, just as she is aware of what perceives her in her state of non-existence, and

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