The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

So the interior of the Titans was the exterior of this blind man, and what happened in the human soul occurred while the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, had nothing to witness except the attribute of Truth as it appeared from the universes. So if he saw it, he used the trick to take it away from the universe, which took it in a way other than its proper place and appeared with it in a place other than its place, and he prayed. God, peace and blessings be upon him, is jealous, so it was said to him: As for whoever is self-sufficient, you are his support. He says that when he saw the attribute of truth, which is its sufficiency from the world, he responded to it, out of his desire to purify whoever it appeared to him. So it was said to him: It is not upon you that he should not be purified, but you will have what you intended, and his ruling if he purified, you would not have missed anything. Whether he has purified himself or not, but as for him who comes to you s

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God Almighty said: He gave everything His creation, so that is the right of that thing that He has with God in terms of its essence, so it is an intrinsic right, and the incidental right that He has with God is His saying, “Fulfill your covenant.” This is a right that God has imposed on Himself for whoever fulfills His covenant and whoever does not. He has no covenant with God that if He wills He will punish him, and if He wills He will admit him to Paradise. Among the servants of God are those who enter Paradise by deserving it, and among them are those who enter it by will, not by deserving it. Just as it is a sin for those who enter Hell by deserving it, they are the criminals in particular, and they are its inmates, and they will never leave it. This is why it will be said to them on the Day of Resurrection, and they are distinguished today. The criminals, that is, the people of entitlement who deserve to live in this house, with the exception of the criminals. Even if they en

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