The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

Who is his companion? In that case, he was sitting with the names in terms of what they indicate about the essence. Each one of them was not with the name in terms of what its reality required in terms of its indication of the essence. So he denied what he did not give him the appearance of, even though it was the speech of the truth and it occurred from him. Denial, in fact, nothing came of it except astonishment, especially since it is similar to denial and is not denial, to the point that if this statement had come from someone other than God, He would have commanded the one who said it to remain silent and rebuked him from that. Rather, the man showed astonishment at God’s saying regarding the pious who are God’s companions. How will they be gathered to Him? It is as if he were an Abrahamic scene in requesting. The method of reviving the dead, so Abu Yazid wanted what Abraham wanted regarding the method of reviving the dead, due to the different aspects of that. There is no de

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From this perspective, God does not combine his viewing with his speech for anyone in the event of viewing it, for there is no way to do that except for the divine manifestation to be in an ideal form, in which case he combines viewing and speech, and this is not objectionable to us, and we have been informed of the knowledgeable sheikh Shihab al-Din al-Suhrawardi in Baghdad, may God be pleased with him. God said on his authority that he said about combining sight and speech, but what was reported from him is more than this. I asked the transmitter, but he did not mention to me the type of manifestation and the suspicion of Sheikh Jamil, so he must mean the formal manifestation. Do you not see Al-Sayyari among the men of Al-Qushayri’s message, where he said, “No rational person has ever enjoyed witnessing.” Then he explained and said. Because watching the truth wither away has no pleasure, and discourse in the state of annihilation is not valid, because the benefit of discourse is

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