The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

The state in which it was described and when it did not exist, he suffered from witnessing it because the state has the ruling on whoever did it, and the state of this situation is now possible to witness nothingness and suffer an imaginary torment

The Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, used to say in times of hardship, praise be to God in every situation.

Among the circumstances that necessitate praise are the conditions of good times for which one praises praise to God, the Benefactor, the Most Gracious. If not, then praise in every situation includes praise of good times, so it is an indication that there is goodness in bad times due to the generality of its praise, and praise is praise for the praised and the one who suffers from bad times if it is not included in that. Hard times is good. That praise is not praise from the one who praises in the case of hardship, and praise is undoubtedly praise in the same matter. There is no harm in the world t

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Then you know that the possible things are lacking in the essence, so poverty always accompanies them because their essence is permanent, so He created for them the causes by which they would obtain what they lacked in them, so they lacked the causes, so God made the very causes names for Him, so the names of the causes are from His names, the Most High, so that nothing lacks anything except Him because it is the correct knowledge, so there is no There is a difference among the people of revelation between the names that are said in custom and law to be the names of God and the names of causes that they are the names of God. He said, “You are the needy to God,” and we see in reality the lack of causes. So the names of causes must be the names of God Almighty, so we call Him with them as the supplication of the situation, not the supplication of words. So if we touch Hunger We rushed to seek food that removes the pain of hunger, so we lacked it while He dispensed with us, and we la

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And know that it is from God’s mercy upon His creation that He placed at the foot of every prophet a guardian and heir to him, and whatever more, there must be in every era one hundred thousand guardians and twenty-four thousand guardians according to the number of the prophets, and they increase and do not decrease. If they increase, God divides the knowledge of that prophet among those who inherited it. For the knowledge that was revealed to the hearts of the prophets does not rise from the world, and it only belongs to the hearts of men, so it is divided among them according to their number, so there must be in the nation among the saints equal to the number of prophets, and more than that.

We narrated on the authority of Al-Khidr that he said, “There will never be a day.” I thought to myself that there was not a saint of God left on earth except that I had seen him and met with him, so I must meet on that day with a saint of God whom I had not known before .

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And know that God has servants who are hidden, innocent, pure, and loyal between them and the people. He obscures customs among the people, and nothing appears on them that distinguishes them from the people. Through them, God protects the world and gives victory to His servants. They are known in heaven and unknown on earth to their kindred. They are blessed in this world and the hereafter. They are neither prophets nor martyrs. The prophets and martyrs envy them. They are not recognized in this world nor are they able to intercede in the hereafter. They were alone with the truth in their secrets. And I did not know that God had placed in existence a guardian over every prophet. For when God Almighty brought me together with all of His prophets until not a prophet remained of them except that I saw him in one sitting, he did not I saw with them someone who was at their feet, and then after that I saw all the believers, including those who were at the feet of the prophets and othe

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