The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

A logical law, and it is not judged by a balance, for it is the balance of every balance. For this house in the world of bodies, the sun’s sphere is one of the spheres, and above it are seven heavens, of which there are three heavens, the mansion sphere, and the atlas, which is the zodiac sphere, the chair, and the surrounding throne, which is the end of the world of bodies, and below it are also seven, three heavens, and the spheres of ether, air, and water. And the Earth, and by its division in the astronomy, the seasons of the year appear, and they are four seasons because of the squareness that we mentioned. The signs, which are the estimates in the atlas astronomy, are square. God has placed them on four levels of fire, earth, air, and water, in order to rule the four divine and four natural, and for each season there are three rulings, two rulings for the two extremes and a ruling for the middle, and between them are rulings for each. A movement, a minute, a second, a third,

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And know that when God informed us that it is eternity, He, Glory be to Him, mentioned to us that it has days from its being eternity, and they are the days of God, so He designated these days as the rulings of His names, the Most High, in the world. For every name, there are days, and they are a time, the ruling of that name, and all are the days of God, and the details of eternity rule in the world, and these days intersect. Some of them enter into each other and overshadow each other, and this is what we see in the world of different rulings in a single time. This is due to their intermingling, overlapping, shifting, and repetition. These divine days have night and day, so their night is unseen, and it is what is hidden from us from them, and it is the essence of their ruling regarding the upper spirits that exist above nature and the ruling spirits, and their day is testimony, and it is the essence. Its ruling on natural bodies up to the last elemental body, which is what is u

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