The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

Absolutely, and this is also the case in the Almighty’s saying, “Whatever you have will run out, so He made for us a limit and what is a circumstance of place in our right.” I was astonished by the scholars at how they neglected to realize this inertia that characterizes truth and man. Then God made his ability a circumstance for the treasures of things, and it is known that He creates things and brings them out of nothingness. To existence, and this addition requires that He brings them out of the treasures that He has. He brings them out of an existence that you did not perceive to an existence that we perceive. Things did not end up in pure nothingness. Rather, the apparent meaning of the matter is that their nonexistence is from additional nothingness. For things in their nonexistence are witnessed to Him. He distinguishes them by their essence, separating one from another by what He has in them. In general, its treasures, I mean the treasures of things, which are their contai

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And you know, if you are one of the people who understand God, that these names, even if they are synonymous with one name in terms of its essence, then we know that they indicate different meanings. Say, “Call on God” or “Call on the Most Merciful,” whichever you call upon, to Him belong the best names. We only call upon one God to whom these are. The different names, the realities and the meanings, and these names have always existed. These are the divine treasures in which are the treasures of possibilities in which things are stored. He contrasts the plural with the plural, and the multiplicity with the multiplicity, and the number with the number, with the singularity of the eye, for that is the singularity of the plural, and every worshiper communes with his Lord in his solitude with Him, and God places His shroud upon him, so he is the Absolute, the All-Constricting. In particular, in general .

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And know that God has made two positions for us in array. He has not made that for other created beings. A row in the place of prayer and a row in the place of jihad. So He said, “Indeed, God loves those who fight in His way, arrayed as if they were a solid structure.

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