The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

Dissonance, which indicates the goodness of the origin, then its acceptance after adjustment and adjustment for the breathing of the Holy Spirit. The first acceptance it received, in addition to its origin, was the breathing of this good, pure, purifying spirit. Therefore, goodness was a habit for it according to the nature upon which it was imprinted, and for this reason it returns in money to its origin, for the origin of it is what We mentioned it about accepting goodness, so mercy follows it in money, just as its existence was the essence of mercy, so the matter concluded with what it began, and the conclusion is the same as the previous one. What is supported by what we have mentioned is that the first human creation, which was the origin of human creations, was of the utmost sanctity and the height of honor, in that it was created in the divine image, and only what was appropriate appeared from it. Just as it was appropriate for her, in spite of the discrepancy that the corr

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And know that the perfect men of God, the caliphs in the world, who worshiped the seen and not the unseen, are the ones for whom the divine vision will be a reward, not an increase, and whoever descends from this perfection is the one who will have an addition to the reward in his saying, “For those who do good, the best is the best,” and it is the saying of the Messenger of God. If you weigh, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, then give weight, when the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, decided what it was. When he weighed, he said to the one in whose hand is the scale, give weight

to give him more than what he deserves, when he saw that the truth had mentioned the increase over the compensation and said in this The one who is best among you is the one who fulfills his duties best

This is sincerity in religion, which is the reward, and here the meaning appears

His saying, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, and I seek

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