The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

Death is only about life, and the knowledge of this house is many, so we intended to introduce the most important of them, what happiness is related to knowledge, even if all knowledge is the same as happiness, but in general, happiness is nothing but obtaining pleasures, attaining goals, and achieving relief from pains, and God speaks the truth and He guides the path.

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In every ruling there is tradition*** and there is authority among us and support

If it were not for him, I would not have had any foothold in our knowledge, nor would there have been revelation and unification.

The caliphate is a tradition and a sultanate, for it is the imam who is attested to the truth . < /p>

It is trustworthiness whose owner *** ceases to obey, and in the sight of God he is praiseworthy

Everyone who is in the presence of God watches Him *** in His secret, for He is intended in the universes

Sweeten it, my Lord, with what His Presence gives Him *** of Attributes: Nothing in knowledge exists

other than Him, for He is the Imam of

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Know, may God help us and you with His Holy Spirit, that imitation is the foundation to which all theoretical, necessary, or exploratory knowledge returns, but in it they are in ranks. Some of them are those who imitate their Lord, and they are the highest group, the owners of sound knowledge, and among them are those who imitate his reason, and they are the owners of necessary knowledge, such that even if they doubt it,


Doubtful about my possibility, they do not accept it even though they know it is possible and they do not accept it. So if I tell them about that, they say because it does not discredit necessary knowledge, and there are many examples of it that I do not mention for the sake of weak souls to accept them, as this leads to harm and obsession, so that prevents me from explaining it, and among them are those who imitate it. His mind in what gave him his idea, and then except for these, imitation has spread to all scholars, and imitation is a restriction, so

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Know that truth is, in fact, the mother of the book, and the Qur’an is a book among the books, except that it has the association to the exclusion of all other books, and despite this, it is the attribute of truth, and the attribute requires someone to represent it, and the relation requires .

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