In every ruling there is tradition*** and there is authority among us and support

If it were not for him, I would not have had any foothold in our knowledge, nor would there have been revelation and unification.

The caliphate is a tradition and a sultanate, for it is the imam who is attested to the truth . < /p>

It is trustworthiness whose owner *** ceases to obey, and in the sight of God he is praiseworthy

Everyone who is in the presence of God watches Him *** in His secret, for He is intended in the universes

Sweeten it, my Lord, with what His Presence gives Him *** of Attributes: Nothing in knowledge exists

other than Him, for He is the Imam of " lang="en-GB" /> In every ruling there is tradition*** and there is authority among us and support

If it were not for him, I would not have had any foothold in our knowledge, nor would there have been revelation and unification.

The caliphate is a tradition and a sultanate, for it is the imam who is attested to the truth . < /p>

It is trustworthiness whose owner *** ceases to obey, and in the sight of God he is praiseworthy

Everyone who is in the presence of God watches Him *** in His secret, for He is intended in the universes

Sweeten it, my Lord, with what His Presence gives Him *** of Attributes: Nothing in knowledge exists

other than Him, for He is the Imam of "> “ Chapter Three Hundred and Forty-one on Knowing the Place of Imitation in Secrets ”

The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

“ Chapter Three Hundred and Forty-one on Knowing the Place of Imitation in Secrets ”

(Check the original text in Arabic ...)

FUTMAK.COM الفتوحات المكية: الصفحة 160 من الجزء Three

In every ruling there is tradition*** and there is authority among us and support

If it were not for him, I would not have had any foothold in our knowledge, nor would there have been revelation and unification.

The caliphate is a tradition and a sultanate, for it is the imam who is attested to the truth . < /p>

It is trustworthiness whose owner *** ceases to obey, and in the sight of God he is praiseworthy

Everyone who is in the presence of God watches Him *** in His secret, for He is intended in the universes

Sweeten it, my Lord, with what His Presence gives Him *** of Attributes: Nothing in knowledge exists

other than Him, for He is the Imam of


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