The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

Reducing it to the tenth, so it was revealed to his nation, and it was legislated for him to legislate for his nation ijtihad in the rulings by which the world is right, because through ijtihad, he returned between God and Moses, peace be upon him, so he enacted that in his nation so that he could be comforted by what had happened to him and not feel lonely, and with this legislation he healed the heart of Moses. In this regard, it is necessary that if he returns to himself and the rule of pity for his servants is removed from him, he will continue to glorify the truth and what is due to His majesty, and he will not exaggerate anything regarding his right, and he will know that power is in his hand, with which he strengthens whomever he wishes. And if such a thing occurs to him and the truth establishes him in it, it will inevitably cause remorse in his eyes. According to what happened from him in what he said to Muhammad, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, God forced his he

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And know that God, from this station, accepts manifestation in natural forms, dense, subtle, and transparent, for the people of barzakhs, and resurrection is barzakh, and nothing in existence is barzakh, because it is regular, something between two things, such as the time of the situation, and it is called permanent, and intangible things are a cycle, and sensory things are greater, so there is no end in the universe, because the circle has no end. One end of it, so each part of it is an isthmus between two parts, and this is honorable knowledge for those who know it. This is why, in the perfect human being, he combined the two natural forms in his creation, so he created him with a dark, dense body, and with a gentle body carried in this dense body, which he called a spirit. With it, he was an animal, and it is the vapor emerging from the cavity of the heart that spreads throughout the parts of the body. The Giver has in him growth and sensation, and He has singled him out from

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