The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

With all of these praises, and all of them include a request for intercession from God and this station, which gives whoever descends it a view of each banner of those banners and knowledge of the names it contains, so that this inheritor praises God with them there, and each banner of them has a station here that it attained, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, and the perfect heirs attain it from His followers, and this house is a lofty house that is difficult to ascend, and that is why it was called an obstacle and was added to Al-Suwaiq because the feet in it are not fixed, because it is a place for the feet, so only a perfect man can cross it, from a messenger, a prophet, and a perfect heir who eclipses every inheritor in his time, and this is the house that Al-Nifri called it in agreement with the position of equality, because the servant appears in it in the form of truth. If God does not grant this servant infallibility and protection and strengthen his footing in thi

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And know that equality is between two paths, because the matter is restricted between a Lord and a servant. The Lord has a path and the servant has a path. The servant is the path of the Lord and to Him is his goal, and the Lord is the path of the servant and to Him is his goal. The one general path in all of creation is the manifestation of the truth through the rulings on the attributes of creation, so in general they are the rulings on the attributes of creation and they are with us. The attributes of truth, not creation, and this is the meaning of equality. The other way is the appearance of creation with the attributes of truth, which are distinguished in general by being the attributes of truth, such as the Most Beautiful Names and their likes. This is the extent of the knowledge of the common people, and among us and among the elite, all of them are the attributes of truth in originality, what is added to creation from them, which the common people make it a revelation from

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