The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

So he was commanded to follow those who turned to God and disobey their souls if they refused to do so, so the right of the Imam is more deserving of being followed. God Almighty said, “O you who have believed, obey God and obey the Messenger, and those in authority among you, and they are the leaders, the caliphs, and the governors. And there is no ruling left for them except in the category of what it is permissible for you to dispose of, for what is obligatory and what is forbidden is Of obedience to God and obedience to His Messenger, there is nothing left for the imams except what is permissible, and there is no reward or burden for it. If the imam who precedes you, to whom you have pledged allegiance, commands you to listen and obey a permissible command, you must obey him in that and it is forbidden to dissent from it, and the rule of that which was permissible has become obligatory, so the person will obtain, if he does his command, the reward of what is obligatory and wil

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And know that plants are a middle world between minerals and animals. It has the same ruling as an isthmus. It has two aspects, so it gives knowledge in itself to the one whose true aspects are revealed. For perfection in an isthmus is more apparent than in something other than an isthmus because it gives you knowledge of itself and other things, and the other than an isthmus gives you knowledge in itself and nothing else, because the isthmus It is a mirror of both sides, so whoever sees it sees both sides in it, it is necessary for that, and in plant there is a secret isthmus that does not exist in anything else, for it is an isthmus between him, from his saying, “plant,” and his Lord, from his saying, “I make you grow.” And the fair and just is he who judges between himself and his Lord, and he is not an arbiter until his soul is disputing with its Lord, and He judges it for him, because he knows that The truth is in the hands of God in every respect and in every situation, and

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