The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

Your back, and if the manifestation is in the form is included in the limit and magnitude, and the closest proximity in this is that it is the eye of the line with which the circle is divided into two halves due to the appearance of the two arcs that are close to each other, it is the first proximity and the second proximity is the linear proximity that is closer than the jugular vein, and the vision of the truth is never possible. As it was only in a contest between ascension and descent, for ascension is from us and descending from it, for us is lowering, and for Him is descent, since descent is only from above, and for us is ascension, and for Him is receiving those who come to it, and all of this is an indication of the form in which He appears to His servants, and it is of a limit and a measure, so that He enters with His servants under His saying in His ruling, and what We send down. Except by a known measure, and everything We created, that is, We made it by a measure, and

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And know that if it were not for desire, he would not have worshiped God in anything other than Him, and that desire is the greatest god to be taken as a servant, for for Himself there is judgment, and He is the One who gives everything that He worships, and in Him I said.

And the truth of inclination is that inclination is the cause of inclination *** and if inclination was not in the heart , it would not have worshiped inclination.

God Almighty said, “Have you seen someone who took his inclination as his god, and God led him astray based on knowledge? If it were not for the power of his authority in man, he would not have had such an effect as this.” As for the one who is aware that he is not a god, if on the Day of Resurrection God embodied his desire just as death embodies to accept slaughter, then his body determined it according to what was ruled for him. So whoever did it, he was zealous and a god was brought upon

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And know that the gods taken as gods other than God are two groups, including those who claimed what was claimed about them, even though they knew in themselves that they were not what they claimed, but rather they loved leadership and intended to mislead the servants, like Pharaoh and his like, and they were in misery unless they repented, and they are among those whose tongues bear witness to what you have spoken of these things. The claim and anything less than it is something that must be questioned, so they deny it, and among them are those who claim that with insight and soundness and verify knowledge in a council based on a circumstantial evidence required by the council when they saw that the truth is the essence of their powers, and they are only by their powers, and their powers say what they say, so their powers that say there is no concern, and it is the essence of the truth, as the truth told and as it gave it. Witnesses to the violation of custom in what they say wit

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