The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

Now He gives him that position by obtaining in him a deity that God inspires him with and praises him for, and so on, every position and rank in the world, this world and the hereafter, to infinite amounts, has a special praise in each of them, so if he glorifies Him, that praise inherits from him another knowledge that he did not have from the knowledge of the divine ear. From which God created the bird in the hand of Jesus, and from it Jesus breathed into it and it became a bird, and from it He healed the blind and the lepers, and brought the dead to life, and it is an honorable knowledge that was verified by Abu Yazid al-Bistami and Dhul-Nun al-Misri. As for Abu Yazid, he killed an ant unintentionally, and when he learned of it, he breathed into it and it rose alive, God willing. As for Dhul-Nun, it came to him. The old woman whose child was taken by the crocodile and carried with him in the Nile, so he called for the crocodile and threw him alive from its stomach, just as the

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And know that since the Qur’an was comprehensive, all divine and cosmic truths were attracted to it alike, and there was no crookedness or distortion in it, so its status is moderation, and moderation is the status of preserving the permanence of existence over existing things. What is the status of creation, because creation is only the result of deviation and inclination, and in the right of truth it is called a voluntary direction, which is His saying: “If We willed it” and since its abode was equinox, it would have permanence and permanence. It would be perpetuating the creation and the existence of the universe. If it had descended from its abode, it would have descended from equinoxity to deviation, which is His saying, “And if there were a Qur’an with which mountains were moved.” And his saying, “If We had sent down this Qur’an,” meaning about its abode on a mountain, you would have seen it submissive. A cracked mountain means a film His image is preserved for him because h

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