The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

It is part of prayer for one who understands what is meant by prayer, and just as his eye does not detract from the sensible objects that his eye sees in his qiblah, which appear to his sight with their existence and their essence of the worlds and their movements, this does not take him away from being a prayer without disagreement, and it is disliked for the praying person to close his eyes in his prayer, so also what It appears to the eye of his insight and his heart through the likes of thoughts and images of the things that are presented to him in his interior, and they are from God, and the eye of his insight is open like the eye of his sense. For every represented image, the truth in it is revealed to him in his interior just as it was revealed to him in the tangible things on the outside, so he must perceive it with the eye of his insight and his heart just as he perceived the images. And just as that did not take him away from being a praying person according to what was

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And know that this abode is a great abode, of great esteem, and it has great specialization through the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, and this amount of it that we mentioned is rich for those who look and gain insight. Let us mention the knowledge it contains, for the chapters of the book are many, and the discussion of them is long despite their abundance, so it is difficult to obtain it for those who want it, so know. It contains the knowledge of generality, and is there generality in God’s knowledge, or does He not know things except in detail, which is infinite? It contains the knowledge of detail, and it contains the knowledge that is between generality and detail, and it is a strange knowledge that few scholars of God know about it, so how about many, and it contains the knowledge of collections and their arrangement, and it contains the knowledge of wages and those who deserve it? Even though they are slaves and the slave is not called an employee, it is

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