The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

Prophets of the saints and heirs *** God recognized them from those who sent him

Then in the awe of one imam *** the secret of this matter was a spirit that denied it

Then when God made a contract for him *** and it spread throughout his creation, they did not break what they had received. On His glory

A blessing from Him, the hearts of the heirs, the place of the pole in which it resides *** Only those who inherited it know it

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Know, may God help you, that the Prophet is the one to whom the kingdom comes with a revelation from God. That revelation includes a law that he worships in himself, so if he sends it to others, he is a messenger, and the kingdom comes to him in two states: either it descends upon his heart, depending on the circumstances of that revelation, or in a physical form. From the outside, he throws what was brought to him to his ear and he hears, or he throws it to his sight and he sees, and he obtains sight similar to what he obtains from hearing equally, and so does all the sensitive powers. This is a door that was closed by the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, so there is no way for anyone to worship God with a law that abrogates this law. Muhammadiyah, and if Jesus, peace be upon him, descends, he will not rule except according to the law of Muhammad, may God bless him and grant him peace, and he is the seal of the saints. For it is part of the honor of Muhamm

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As for the case of the prophets of the saints in this nation, it is every person whom the Truth established in one of His manifestations and established for him the manifestation of Muhammad, may God bless him and grant him peace, and the manifestation of Gabriel, peace be upon him. So that spiritual manifestation made him hear the speech of the legitimate rulings of the manifestation of Muhammad, may God bless him and grant him peace, until when he finished his speech, he was terrified. From the heart of this guardian, the mind of the owner of this scene, all that was included in that speech of the legal rulings apparent in this nation of Muhammad, so this guardian takes it just as the manifestation of Muhammad took it for the presence that happened to him in this presence, of what that manifestation of Muhammad commanded to convey to this nation, so he returns it to himself and he has become aware. What the Spirit addressed to the Manifestation of Muhammad, may God bless him and

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