The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

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Their rule in this world is four and in the Resurrection there are eight

So the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, recited, “And above them that day will bear the throne of your Lord” is eight. Then he said, “And today they are four,” meaning on the day of this world, and his saying on that day is “eight,” meaning on the Day of the Hereafter.

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We narrated on the authority of Ibn Masara al-Jabali, one of the greatest people of the path in knowledge, state, and knowledge. The portable throne is kingship, and it is confined to a body, a soul, food, and a rank. Adam and Israfil are for forms, Gabriel and Muhammad are for souls, Michael and Abraham are for sustenance, Malik and Ridwan are for promise and threat, and there is nothing in the kingdom except what was mentioned, and the foods that are the sustenance are sensory. And morally, what we are mentioning in this chapter is the one method, which is in the sense of ownership, because of the benefit attached to it in the path, and its bearer is represented by those in charge of managing it, so managing an elemental form or a light form, a spirit managing the elemental form, a managing spirit harnessing the form of light, food for the elemental form, nourishment of sciences and knowledge for souls, and a sensual level of Happiness with entering Paradise and a sensual level

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The first issue is the image, which is divided into two parts: an elemental physical image that includes an imaginary physical image, and the other part is a luminous physical image. Let us begin with the luminous body and say that the first body that God created were the bodies of the royal spirits who dominate in the majesty of God, and among them are the first mind and the soul of all, and to them end the luminous bodies created from the light of majesty. And there is no angel among these angels who exists through others except the soul, which is less than the mind, and every angel created after these, so they fall under the rule of nature, so they are of the type of its spheres from which they were created and they are its inhabitants. Likewise are the angels of the elements and the last class of angels are the angels created from the works and breaths of the servants. Let us mention that, one by one. In this chapter, God Almighty willing, know that God Almighty was before He

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When He wanted to create the world of writing and underlining, He appointed one of these cherubic angels, and he was the first angel to appear from the angels of that light. He called him the Mind and the Pen, and it appeared to him in the realm of Wahhabi teaching with what he wanted to create from his creation, not to a single goal. So he accepted in himself the knowledge of what is and what the truth has. The divine names that seek the emergence of this moral world, so He derived from this intellect another existent which He called the Tablet, and He commanded the pen to descend to it and to deposit in it all that exists until the Day of Resurrection and nothing else. He made this pen three hundred and sixty teeth in its pen, that is, from its being a pen and from its being an intellect, three hundred and sixty manifestations or subtleties. Every tooth or piece of paper is scooped out of three hundred and sixty types of comprehensive sciences and separated into the Tablet. This

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Then God Almighty created pure darkness, which is in opposition to this light, in the position of absolute nothingness corresponding to absolute existence. When He created it, light poured upon it independently with the help of nature, so its radiance was filled with that light, and the body expressed by the Throne appeared, and the Most Gracious Name became equal to it with the Manifest Name. This was the first thing that appeared. The world of creation was created from that mixed light, which is like the light of magic, the angels encircling the bed, which is His saying, “And you see the angels encircled around the throne, glorifying the praise of their Lord.” So they have no occupation other than being encircled around the throne glorifying His praise. We have explained the creation of the world in a book that we called “Uqla al-Mustafuz.” But we take from it in This section is about the heads of things

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Then He created the Throne in the interior of this Throne and placed in it angels of the same nature. Each sphere is the origin of the architecture in which He was created, just like the elements in what He created from them .

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