The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

He is confused by the light while looking at the road, and that wind is like following his desires in the branches of the Sharia, which are the sins in which a person does not disbelieve and does not discredit his monotheism and faith. We were created for a great thing, but if we confront these adversities and endure these hardships, we will achieve a great thing, which is eternal happiness that is not miserable. In it

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Among what this verse includes is the knowledge of the time when his companions, the angel and the devil, will accompany him. Know that if a person is created by God in a nation in which no messenger has been sent, neither an angel nor a devil will be associated with him, and he will continue to act according to his nature, with his forelock in the hand of his Lord in particular, so whatever he walks in at that time is On a straight path, for his Lord is on a straight path. God Almighty said: There is no living creature but He takes hold of its forelock. Indeed, my Lord is on a straight path. So if He sends among them a messenger or creates in a nation in which there is a messenger, two companions of an angel and a devil are bound to him from the time of his birth, from the time he is born for the sake of the existence of the law. And He gives each one of The two qarānīs are a gesture that makes him feel and grip him with it. Do not say that the newborn is not burdened, so why are

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Know that God did not give him these two companions for the sake of the newborn, but that was because of the rank of his parents or someone who was provoked by the satanic companion and made him cry or play with his hand and thus spoil something that his father or someone else hates to spoil, so that movement of the unpaid newborn is a cause for boredom in others. And they become angry out of hatred for the action of God, so sin becomes attached to it. This is why Satan associates with it, not for himself. Likewise with angelism, which is every movement that occurs from the newborn, which arouses in the soul of others something that leads to evil or good. If it is evil, then it is from Satan, and if it is good, then it is from angelism, and the little boy never has any psychological or even divine movement. He realizes that even if his mother did not have a law, then his entire movement is psychological from the time of his birth until he dies, unless a messenger is sent to him or

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And know that every creature except humans and jinn are created to glorify the truth and glorify His praise, and so are all the members of the body of humans and jinn, but not in the sense of being brought closer and seeking a great status. Rather, glorifying them is like breaths in those breathing for what the self deserves. Thus, the glorification of humans and jinn will be in Paradise and Hell, not according to The path of closeness does not produce closeness for them, but rather each one of them is in a known position, so worship becomes natural, required by their realities, and the obligation is lifted, and it is not imagined that they would disobey God’s command if it came to them, and there remains no prohibition at all after His saying to the people of Hell, “Be humble therein and do not speak to us,” and our words when people stay in their places in every abode. And the doors were closed, and the two houses were settled with their people who were their people, and the sta

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The earth, penetrating the air, walking on water, eating from the universe, and none of that appears on it, and it is in its power and under its control, and it refuses to be anything other than what the general Muslims are, except that they are to blame from the people of this path, especially the old and the young, so this person will be in the nation. Muhammadiyah is like Gabriel in the royal nation. The inward being is obeyed, for Gabriel is a spirit and his inner being is not obeyed in the outward sense. If he commands, but he does not command, then he is not distinguished from the common people in anything. If he was distinguished in their view by breaking a habit that appears from him that is not required by the situation, he would be great, and his command would comply with the superiority that appeared for him over the common people. The reason for rejecting his command is that if he commands, but he does not command, but inwardly he obeys the command, and we saw from the

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