The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

Except for the people of our path in particular. Al-Qushayri narrated that a man saw a person riding on a donkey hitting the donkey’s head, so he forbade him from doing so. The donkey said to him, “Leave him, for he is hitting his head. How can he who knows the punishment not know what has been subjected to him? We have seen many inanimate objects and animals like this.” The discussion has been long, and this amount is sufficient to know the order of the world, which is one of the sections of what this book contains of knowledge, and God speaks the truth and He guides the path .

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I have covered houses for a station of truthfulness *** It has humility in the heart of its descendant

And the fire of combustion has fuel *** if the fuss takes it away

And the nourishment of knowledge increases eagerness *** and does not eliminate thirst and hunger < /p p>

If he tasted existence, he would die of hunger*** and be revived by autumn or spring

By creating, then crucifying on surfaces *** He exalts them to their sublime exaltation

So teach whomever You will without oppression *** Perhaps a time will come when he will return.

In the fifth verse, he means God Almighty’s saying, “Do not let them look at the camels, how they were created, and at the heavens, how they are raise

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Know, may God grant us and you success, that the levels of Paradise are according to the number of levels of Hell, so there is no level without a level of Hell corresponding to it. This is because command and prohibition are not devoid of a person either doing the command or not doing it. If he neglects it, he will have a level in Paradise specific to that action specifically and in balance. If a pebble fell from that level in Paradise, it would fall on the equator of that level of Hell. If a person fell from doing what he was commanded and did not do, that abandonment of that work would be the same as his falling to that level. God Almighty said. So he looked and saw it in the level of Hell, for looking at a thing from top to bottom, and level is the limit of balancing on moderation, so he saw nothing but that level which is in the balance of his level. For the work by which this person attained that level was abandoned by this other person, who was his companion in this world, s

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The one who is close to someone is the one whose character is *** the character of righteousness, and the righteous are ignorant of him.

Proximity is a home to nothing that resembles it *** A spring in which He has sent down His abode

Its entirety has been exalted in holiness and status *** And there is no tongue for any created being He separates it

Indeed, the worlds are comprehended by the scale*** so do not neglect it and do not neglect it.

Proximity is an additional matter, for there is the possibility of harm *** It will be sustenance for the soul of Him who asks Him

Let him grant him what he asks for if he is generous ** * And beware of miserliness that miserliness will kill him. <

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Know that there is no workmanship, no rank, no condition, no status except that weight is judged by knowledge and action. Meanings have a scale in the hand of the mind, called logic, containing two scales called premise. Speech has a scale called grammar, with which words are weighed to realize the meanings indicated by the words of that tongue, and every person with that tongue has a scale. It is the known amount that God associated with the sending down of sustenance. He said, “And We do not send it down except in a known amount, but He sends down in the amount that He wills.” He created the human body in the image of a scale, and He made his palms his right and his left, and made his tongue the upright of his soul, so for any side he has wealth. And God associated happiness with the right, and misery with the left, and He made the scale by which it is weighed. Deeds are in the form of a scale, and that is why he was described as heavy and light, in order to combine the numerica

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And know that the matter is limited to knowledge and work, and work is divided into two parts: the sensory and the heart, and knowledge is divided into two parts: the mental and the legal, and each section is based on a weight known to God in giving it. He asked the servant, when He assigned him, to evaluate the weight fairly, so that he does not be negligent in it or lose it. Then God Almighty said, “Do not go to extremes in your religion.” What it means is that you do not transgress in the scales and do not say about God anything but the truth, which is His saying, and maintain the weight with justice, so He required justice from His servants in their dealings with God and with all other than God, of themselves and others. If God enables the servant to establish the weight, then nothing good is left for him except that He gives it to him, for God has made health Wellness lies in the moderation of natures and that one does not prevail over the other. He made ailments, diseases, a

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Know that the investigator is the one who evaluates this scale in every presence of knowledge and action according to what it requires of preponderance and lightness in weighing with virtue in its place and merit .

For the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, recommended in < /p >

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