The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

From its wondrous effects in its movements, they knew of the fixed, the reversing, the two-body, and other things, and with the astronomy atlas ends the knowledge of the meteorologists, and in truth, it only ends with the planet, for the movements of the planets and planets determine their orbits, and had it not been for that, their number would not have been known. As for the atlas astronomy, they did not infer it from where they perceived it. Sensation, just as they perceived the spheres of the planets. But they knew that these spheres are only interrupted in an existential matter, so an orbit like them was established by reason, not by sense, and they called it Atlas because there is no planet in it to aid sense. This proof is invalidated for them by the movement of the outermost spheres, for its motion exists and is not interrupted in anything according to them at all, so what do you know? O owner of the observation, perhaps this planetary sphere cuts through nothing, and the

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The plunder of his money, the ruin of his kingdom, and his insult. The king rests in the hands of whoever has it under his control, and the prince is tormented by his ruin, even if his body is safe from physical ailments and illnesses. But he is the most tormented of people, to the point that he wishes for death and does not see what he saw. And all of what we mentioned was only told by God so that we might reflect, remember, and return to Him, Glory be to Him. We ask Him to make us treat Him like someone with this characteristic of Him, so that we may join them, and He has guaranteed an answer to those who are forced to ask Him, so that He will be among the winners. What honor is greater than the honor of a person who has fulfilled a characteristic that God gave him, made him happy with it, and made his creation in his image? The Almighty asks him to join them in that characteristic, for you have known. His arrogance is due to the creation of people, but most people do not know,

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Among what this station includes is divine hearing, which is the first level of the universe and with it the conclusion occurs. The beginning of the universe’s existence is through hearing, and its final end is from the truth, hearing. Bliss continues for the people of bliss and torment for the people of torment. As for the beginning of the universe of every component, it only appeared from the saying “Be,” so God heard him, so he complied, and his essence appeared. In existence and non-existence, Glory be to the All-Knowing in the state of the One who said to Him “Be” and it was. The first thing that is possible attains the rank of divine hearing. If “Be” is an attribute of a saying, God Almighty said, “Indeed, our speech and hearing are related to the saying.” And as for the finalization in the case of the disbelievers, “Be humble in it and do not speak, then speak to them while they hear.” As for the completion of the matter with regard to the disbelievers, “Be humble in it and

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And know that the earth in every soul has three states: accepting a child, labor, and birth, unless the resurrection occurs. Man, in terms of his nature, is like the earth, so he should know in every soul what his Lord throws into it, what comes out of it to his Lord, and what is in it from what he has thrown into it and did not He comes out of it with preparation for exit, for he is commanded to monitor his conditions with God in these three levels and states, and to bring God to him sometimes through intermediaries, and sometimes by abandoning intermediaries, and intermediaries are sometimes praiseworthy, sometimes blameworthy, and sometimes neither praiseworthy nor blameworthy, and if this state leads to regret and injustice, then the investigator hears and takes and knows from whom he hears and from whom. He takes, what he gives birth to, who accepts his child when he is born, and who raises him. Is his Lord raising him or someone other than his Lord, as

It was stated

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