The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

Of corporeality, just as they missed in this world in human beings the spirituality hidden in the bodies, so the bodies were their graves, and in the Hereafter, on the contrary, the souls are the graves of the bodies. This is why they denied that, and the complete revelation that we and our companions achieved here and in the Hereafter. Indeed, We revealed the spirits here, and the natural bodies prevailed over them in the apparent form. No souls are seen in the apparent bodies except their traces, and if it were not for death and sleep, none would know except the revealers. Indeed, there is something additional to what is seen in the apparent, and with the presence of death and stillness and the appearance of the body devoid of any traces it had, a group went to this doctrine, and they are the Hashishites, so they did not see that then there was a successor. This apparent form is nothing at all, so what about these people if there was no death in the world, and this position incl

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God forbade the heart of every prophet *** and so it was said the heart of every saint

And a sailor with light acquaintances*** in an honorable, verified, and worldly person.

And a purified prophet and a messenger *** and a poor who rebels against you and a rich person

And a bliss arranged at a height *** and a divided torment in a low place

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Know that this position includes the knowledge of the rank of the world with God as a whole, and whether nothingness has a rank with God for which it must be glorified or not, and whether those created from among the people of misery who are wrathful have a rank of glorification with God or not, and does divine glorification have an effect on the most exalted such that Is he pleased with it or not? What is the reason for glorifying God the All-Knowing? Is he who glorifies the All-Knowing of creation a characteristic by which he is known or not? What are the divine names that are added to created beings in the doctrine of those who say that God never swore to anyone but Himself, but sometimes implied it and revealed it in another context so that it is known that it is implied in what is not mentioned? Everything related to this art is included in this house. If we mentioned it in detail, it would be a long story .

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Among what this verse includes is the knowledge of the creation of man from the world, and whether the animal is a partner with him in this creation, or is he specific to it, and he is not singled out for this type of creation, and if he shares it with the animal, then why is man designated by mentioning alone? And since the word “human” is mentioned in the Qur’an, wherever it is mentioned, he is assigned to mention it. Either censure or weakness and deficiency, and if it is mentioned with praise followed by censure associated with it, then censure is like his saying, “Indeed, man is in loss. Indeed, man is in vain to his Lord.” Weakness and deficiency are like his saying, “We created man from a seed of clay,” and his saying, “Indeed, We created man.” In liver and disparagement that follows praise, such as saying, “We have created man in the best of manners.” This is praise. Then We returned Him to the lowest of the low, this is reprehensible. It includes knowledge of the property

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Know that God Almighty did not create the world out of a need that He had for it. Rather, He created it as evidence of His knowledge, to complete thereby what was lacking in the level of existence and the level of knowledge. So He, Glory be to Him, did not return to Him from His creation a description of perfection that He did not have. Rather, He has perfection absolutely, and neither did the world exist in His creation. It is required for Himself because He has no attribute of perfection that has occurred to Him in His creation, rather He has complete imperfection in all respects, whether

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