The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

Hence the disagreement occurred between the people of revelation. Whoever revealed the return of the objects of the forms that were present to being fixed and non-existent, he said that the sterile wind produced in the presence of confirmation that which had departed from it, and it is witnessed for the truth, and to Him the will is attached to His saying, “If He wills, He will take you away,” that is, He will bring you back to The state in which you were described as non-existent, but this was sterile because it did not appear from him that the existence of the eye for itself even though it was apparent and witnessed by its Creator. And whoever did not witness the return of the essence of existing forms to nothingness when the will was directed or the sterile wind was blowing said that this does not produce anything, for creation is due to power, not to will alone. And for the fertile wind, not for the sterile, since if something existentially appeared about it, it would not be s

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And from this position is the solar manifestation, when the resemblance occurred among graphic scholars in removing doubt from the seer regarding the visible sun and moon on the night of a full moon, and it is one of the aspects intended in this hadith, but the investigators knew in addition to this that the two appearances are different, and that the manifestation that resembles the moon on the night of a full moon is a special appearance. Because he said the night of the full moon and did not say about its full moon, so he added it to the night, for I see it as a full moon with the presence of the sun during the day. He did not add it to the night except for something known to the investigators, and this is not the point of discussion about it, but this position includes the position of manifestation in the sun, for the truth is exalted according to the investigators if it is manifested in one form twice. Or for two people, there is no repetition in a matter when it is true, giv

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And know that the reasons for giving differ. Some of them give for compensation and it is called buying and selling. This is a sign of generosity. The buyer has been blessed by your being a seller who has a great purpose in acquiring it, and he has given you what he does not need. Each of them has done something generous to its owner by delivering to him what he had. A purpose in achieving it, if he has the right to prevent that, then by this measure it is attached to the chapter of generosity on the part of the giver, it is an active noun, not on the part of the giver, an active participle. A person may give from this door out of fear for his honor or the occurrence of sensory pain that befalls him. It is as if he buys good praise, well-being, and security by that giving, so it is like the first. The difference between them is that what he bought in the first place is something for which he can have a purpose, but this cannot have a purpose at all for pain and the removal of well

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