The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

In the depths of the earth, they have no life except in it, like a mole. If it reaches the surface of the earth, it dies, so the grief that we have in that grief is their life. If fish go out into the air, they die, and in the air there is grief, and the light of their life is extinguished in them. And if a person and a wild animal sinks in the water, it perishes and is in the water. His grief extinguishes the light of his life, and then there is an animal that sees the sea that lives here and lives here like the crocodile, the water man, his dog, and some birds, and all of this is of course and the mood that God has put him in. We have mentioned in this verse what is sufficient and we have fulfilled its origins with God’s help and importance, and God speaks the truth and He guides the way. < /p >

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By saying we explain the same statement, so consider *** in explaining what is in the investigation explained.

The names of the meaning are keys to *** and in the expressions there is modification and distortion .

The longing for the one being addressed does not occur if *** is not from you. To cast a wave

So reveal the knowledge of the people of God in veils *** You are not governed by clarification and declaration

And speak what the souls are nourished with, but do not *** speak what the soul is nourished with its knowledge.

The spirit conceals what is given to it. Just as *** souls reveal what the wind moves through .

Indeed, souls sp

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Know, may God help you and us, that if the benefactor nullifies his blessing with misfortune or harm, he will not be thanked by God for that, and if the benefactor thanks him for recognizing his humility and poverty towards him, it is good morals for the benefactor not to bestow what he has bestowed on the benefactor, especially while thanking him for that, if he is in need. The one who was bestowed upon him for a matter showed humility and lack of the bestower in asking for that matter for which he was in dire need, and that matter is with the one who was bestowed upon him in the blessing that he bestowed upon him, so the one upon whom he bestowed then has to inform him of what he bestowed upon him and approve of that, and that what he asked of him is present in his very blessing. So when If he lacks in others where he is lacking, then it is permissible for the benefactor to mention to the benefactor his blessing upon him, such as a man who gave a man a thousand dinars as a bless

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Know that this house includes the attestation of blessings according to what I have mentioned to you, and it includes the science of anatomy that you know about doctors who are wise, and the divine anatomy that is included in the image that is unique to this human person, from his being created in the image of the world and in the image of truth, so the knowledge of his anatomy from the side of the world taught you what It contains the truths of all the universes, their highs and lows, their good and bad, their light and their darkness, in detail. Abu Hamid and others spoke about this science and explained it. This is the science of anatomy in our way. As for the second science of anatomy, it is to learn what is in this human form of the divine names and divine lineages, and whoever knows creation knows this. Of the names and the divine knowledge that creation with them produces, and this is also something that men of God have spoken about in explaining the names of God, such as A

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Know that God Almighty commanded His servants to believe in Him and in what was revealed to them at the hands of His Messengers, and He made with faith an obligation of meanings. God Almighty commanded them to carry all of them inwardly as a moral burden, and made their place in the hearts. He specified practical matters that He sent down to their outward appearance and carried into their limbs, which entails a tangible cost of work. Hands and feet, and things that only work with the body, such as prayer and jihad, and things that have no physical cost, such as lowering one’s gaze from forbidden things and looking at verses so that looking at them leads to consideration, setting one’s hearing aside from hearing backbiting, and listening to beautiful hadith. Such things have no physical cost, but rather a psychological cost, for it involves abandoning the purpose . /p>

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