The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

If it were not for the branches, the branches would not have vacated their space, and the wind would not find it wherever it blows. It has the right to rule over it in one way, but it does not have the right to rule over it in another way. The purpose of moving the air in the trees is to remove the corrupted vapors from them so that they do not deposit in them what causes ailments and diseases in the world if those trees are nourished by it and then animals or animals eat them. It corrupts itself by nourishing it with that, so the blowing of the wind is for the benefit of the world, as it expels filth from it and purifies the atmosphere, so life is good. The wind is an intended cause that does not affect its cause. Rather, the effect in that is for the one who establishes the causes and makes them a veil from him, so that the virtue among the creatures in knowledge of God may be distinguished and he who associates polytheism is distinguished from him who monotheists, for the polyt

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More knowledgeable than man, but in truth you were not more knowledgeable. Rather, man was created in the divine image and the entire world was deceived by himself and the power God gave him, as we mentioned, so it was easy for him to carry it. Then he saw the truth had qualified him for the caliphate without offering him its position, so it was confirmed that the qualification was in him. It exists, and the heavens did not have the strength to stand alone, nor the earth to stand alone, nor the mountains to stand alone, the strength of human association. For this reason, they refused to carry it and were afraid of it, and man did not know what accidents would occur to him in carrying it, so he called the one who offered it a traitor, for he was predisposed to greed and laziness, and he accepted it only because he was hasty, so if he broke free. The right belongs to him in time, so that he may think about himself and look at himself and his accidents. It became clear to him what wa

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