The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

They are only adverbial expressions and adverbial pronunciation, not an article pronunciation, just as the earth says to the peg, “It did not split me,” so the peg says to it, “Ask the one who knocks me down,” meaning the ileum with which the peg knocks. This is a well-known adverbial language that sets a well-known proverb among the people. Then you will know, after I have explained this to you, that those who rush to good deeds are The previous one is that if he desires divine scenes and divine knowledge, then he should stay up often at night and always gather during it frequently. If scattered lights appear to him, interspersed with darkness between each light and light, and those lights do not last, they will go quickly, for that is the first sign of acceptance and conquest, then those noble lights will still appear to him through striving and haste. In it and to it until a greater light appears to him, for through it He reveals the obstacles that prevent people from attaining

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Know that those who know deal with the citizen according to what it requires, and those who do not know do not do so. If the knower shows people what his Lord has bestowed on him of knowledge and secrets, he will only show that for the sake of his Lord, not on the path of pride over his kind, so beware of that, as

He, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, said when he commanded people to know his status. I am the master of the children of Adam, this one to whom it was said, “Say,” and then he said on his own behalf, “And there is no pride.”

He says, “I did not mean by these words pride, but rather I made known to you the divine status by ear.” And as for whether The knower defines his status to people without a divine command or divine permission, for he desires a soul based on an interpretation that appears to him .

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