The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

It is legitimate because it is lawful, not because it exists, so they have no share in it, for there may be some among them who have good morals, but they do not act on it because it is lawful, so if what we mentioned is confirmed

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Know that the group that has not attained faith in the knowledge of reward is deprived of the gifted sciences, accepting every knowledge in which they do not have within their souls a measure of the deeds they have done. So when conquest comes to them in their seclusion and the divine lights shine upon them with the sacred sciences, they will see what they have done of deeds. They were not prepared for practice, so they took from those sciences as much as their scales gave them, and they said, “This is from God,” and whatever these sciences were not included in their scales, they rejected them. This is one of the most amazing divine things regarding this group, that they do not claim the knowledge of reward, and they do not take from the sciences except what they have. It gave her their standards of deeds and practical preparations, and this is the opposite of what the matter was based on among the people of the path, and this is a special revelation that has been reserved for tho

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Know that lack in everything other than God is a subjective matter that cannot be avoided with sound taste and knowledge, except that its purposes differ in determining what this poor person lacks and what is the meaning that he lacks in it .

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Know that poverty and misery, since it has been proven in science that it is an intrinsic quality, was related to what it lacked in its request for the continuation of its existence and the continuation of bliss for it in the most perfect way, so that it is not interspersed with the opposite. The people of this path did not see this as a condition or contract except from God Almighty, so they lacked it in that without Other than Him, Glory be to Him .

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