The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

His identity is that thing, so it is not valid for it to be a cause for an effect, nor a condition for a conditional, nor a truth for a verifier, nor evidence for a signified, especially since God Almighty said: He did not give birth at all, and He did not limit it. If it were a reality, it would have generated a verifier, and if it were evidence, it would have generated a signified, and if it were a cause, it would have generated an effect, even if it were A condition for a conditional child, for He, Glory be to Him, is the unknown document that the minds cannot comprehend and whose summary cannot be detailed by the chapters. This is also one of the aspects of the purity of monotheism. As for what relates to the One and the One of monotheism in His oneness, the word “unity” came as a fixed application for anyone other than Him. He said, “And he does not associate anyone in the worship of his Lord, even if it is understood from it.” Considering the interpretation of meanings accor

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And know that this house, even if it seeks oneness and exaltation in all aspects, appears in the formal revelation restricted to the outward appearance as a house standing on five pillars with a raised roof surrounded by walls. There is no open door in it, so no one can enter it in any way, but outside the house there is a standing column attached. To the wall of the house, the people of revelation wipe with it just as they kiss and wipe with the black stone that God placed outside the house and made it his right hand and added it to it, not to the house. Likewise, this pillar is not added to this house, even if it is from it, it is not specific to it, for it is present in every divine house, as if it were an interpreter. Between us and what the Manzils give of knowledge, and Ibn Masarra al-Jabali pointed out this in his book Al-Huruf, and this column has an eloquent tongue that expresses to us what the Manzils contain, so we benefit from knowledge of that. Among the Manzils is th

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