The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

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What is witnessed in the dust in the senses, the effects of which meet the two opposite winds, so such is their war, and what is the whirlwind of their war, and the hadith of Amr al-Jinni, praise be to God, is well-known and narrated, and he was killed in the whirlwind that came to sight, and it cleared from him, and he was on the verge of death, so it was not long before he died and was A righteous servant from among the jinn. If this book were based on reporting news and stories, we would have mentioned some of them. Rather, this is a book of the science of meanings. So let him look at their stories in the histories of literature and their poetry .

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Then we go back and say that if this spiritual world is formed and appears in a sensory form, sight restricts it to the point that it is not able to depart from that form as long as sight looks at it with this specificity, but from a human being, if it restricts him and he does not stop looking at it and he has no place to hide, then this spiritual world appears to him. An image He places on him like a curtain, then he imagines that image walking to a specific direction and his sight follows it. If his sight follows it, the spiritual person escapes his confinement and disappears from him. With its disappearance, that image disappears from the sight of the beholder whose sight followed it. For it is to the spiritual person like light with a lamp spreading its light in the corners. If the body of the lamp disappears, that light is lost. Thus, this image is like this. Whoever knows this and loves to limit it does not follow the image with his sight, and this is one of the divine secr

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And when the time came for the creation of the world of the jinn, three angels went from the trustees who were in the first sphere, then they took from their deputies from the second heaven what they needed from them in this creation. Then they descended to the heavens, so they took from the deputies two from the second and sixth heavens from there and descended. To the pillars, they prepared the place, and three more of the trustees followed them, and they took from the second what they needed from their deputies, then they descended to the third and fifth heaven from there, and took two angels. They passed through the sixth heaven, and they took another deputy from the angels, and they descended to the pillars to complete the settlement, and the remaining six descended and took what was left of the deputies in heaven. The second and in the heavens, so all gathered together to establish this creation by the permission of the All-Knowing, the All-Wise. When its creation was comple

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And consider, if you are one of the people of understanding, the Almighty’s saying: “And His Throne was upon the water, so He revived the Throne and the creatures that contained it. And there is nothing that does not glorify His praise, so it came with an indefinite noun, and none glorifies it except one who is alive.

It was mentioned in the good hadith on the authority of the Messenger of God. God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, said that the angels said, “O Lord, have you created anything stronger than fire?” He said, “Yes, water,” so he made water stronger than fire. If the element of air in the creation of the jinn had not burned with fire, the jinn would have been stronger than the sons of Adam, because air is stronger than water, so the angels She said in this hadith, “O Lord, have you created something stronger than water?” He said, “Yes, air.” Then she said, “O Lord, have you created something stronger than air?” He said, “Yes, son of Adam.”


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