The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

And what we have pointed out has been fulfilled, for the most concrete things of possibility have benefited from nothing but existence, and existence is nothing other than the essence of truth, because it is impossible for it to be an additional matter. Truth is not what the clear evidence gives for it. What appears in existence through existence is nothing but truth. Existence is the truth and it is one, and then there is nothing that has something like it. Because it is not true that there should then be two different or identical existences, then the plural in reality, as we have established it, is that existence is combined with it, so it is the essence of existence, and the ruling of what appears in number and distinction is combined with the specifics of possible things. It is the essence of their preparations. So if you know this, then you know the meaning of plural, plural plural, and the existence of multiplicity, and you attach matters to their origins. You distinguished

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Know that knowledge of God gives that the servant has a correct relation to the work that is proven by the Truth, and that is why he entrusted him with actions, and the Almighty God has a relation to the work that the Truth has proven for himself. He legislated for his servant to say in his work, “And to You we seek help.” And Moses said, “You are the Word of God, and the most knowledgeable of creation about God is the Messenger of God.” So he said to his people, “Seek help from God and be patient.” There is a difference for us between what God says or what the Messenger of God says, in terms of describing God in terms of validity and attribution to Him, and God said, “I divided the prayer between me and my servant.

Then, Glory be to Him, he separated between what the servant says and God says, so he attributed the saying to the servant in a correct proportion, and the saying is an action and it is He asked God for help in his work, so participation in work is valid. This

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