The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

Some of us in this world will perish because of the strength of its scent that extends as long as God wills. It extends and enters this earth, a land of soft red gold in which trees are all gold and their fruit is gold. Then he takes the apple or other fruit and eats it and finds the pleasure of its taste, the goodness of its smell, and its grace that no describer can describe. It falls short. The fruit of Paradise is about it, so how about the fruit of this world? The body, shape, and image are gold, and the image and shape are like the image and shape of the fruit with us, and they differ in taste and in the fruit, in terms of the exquisite pattern and beautiful adornment, which no soul can imagine. So it is more likely that an eye will witness it and see the size of its fruit, such that if the fruit were placed between the sky and the earth, it would block the people of the earth from seeing it. And if the sky were placed on the earth, it would be many times greater than it. An

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And if you look at its women, you will see that the women who are in Paradise are from among the Houris in relation to them, just as our human women are in relation to the Houris in Paradise. As for intercourse with them, their pleasure is not similar to the pleasure of it, and its people adore creation, so they have no obligation to them. Rather, they are created to glorify the truth and His majesty, the Most High, if they desire. Otherwise, they are not able to do that. As for their buildings, some of them are what arises out of their concern, and some of them are what is built with us through the use of machines and good workmanship. Then their seas do not mix with each other, as God Almighty said: the plains of two seas meeting between them is an isthmus without crossing them, so you see the end of the sea of gold, its waves lining up, and adjacent to it is the sea of iron. Something enters from one into the other, and their water is gentler than air in movement and flow, and

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One of the most amazing things about it is the perception of the colors in the lower bodies, which are like the air. Perception relates to their colors just as it relates to the colors in dense bodies. On the gates of their cities are necklaces of ruby stones, each stone of which is more than five hundred cubits. The height of the door in the air is great, and upon it hangs a number of weapons. If the kingdom of the entire earth were to come together, what would be fulfilled in it, and they have darkness and light without a sun alternating between them, and by their succession they know time, and their darkness does not obscure sight from its perceiver, just as light does not obscure it, and some of them invade.

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