The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

Know, may God grant you success, that expansion according to the sect is a state of hope in time, and some of them said that capture and expansion is the taking of time by virtue of oppression and dominance, and expansion according to us is the state of its owner ruling that things can be contained and nothing can contain him. The truth of extension is only for a person of high status and high ranks, so he descends in the state. To the condition of the one who is in the lowest ranks, then he is equal to him while he is in the divine state, in the example of the Almighty’s saying, “And lend to God a loan that is good and greater in descending than that of the one who lends to God.” And for the sake of this extension, whoever said, “Indeed, God is poor, and we are rich,” and this statement is the confirmation of the Almighty’s saying, even if God extended the provision to His servants. They went wrong On earth and from the divine expanse, the Almighty says, “He spreads His mercy, an

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And know that the servant’s greatest honor is to be creative, and if he is disciplined in this generosity, then he is mentioned and included in the general meaning of the Almighty’s saying: “So blessed be God, the best of creators.” So he added good to the creators, except that God is the best of creators, since this epithet was a specific description of God, because God Almighty said in response to Idol worshipers, is he who creates like he who does not create, so he denied creation from creation? If he did not intend the generality of denying creation from creation, then there would not have been an argument against those who worshiped Pharaoh and those like him who commanded created beings to be worshiped instead of God, and these were not among those included in the generality of creators from his saying “the best of creators.” They were not characterized by benevolence in creation, for benevolence in servants is that you worship God as if you see Him, so you know who the Crea

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