The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

Al-Maliki then alerted him that whatever he did, he did it out of his command, for he has no command and is not one of the people of command, and he is a strange position among the stations. If God Almighty had permitted us to reveal him to creation, knowledge would have appeared that cannot be established for him, since three issues have emerged from his impact. A person who bore witness to God before His Prophet of His justice and purity and became his follower and made clear to him what I had heard and included himself among his followers under His condition. He is like Moses, God’s keeper and deliverer. Where is his speech with his Lord compared to his speech with Al-Khidr? So the manifestations differed in speech, and yet he was not patient because he made the exception and did not submit it to what I deny it, for it is the nature of the Prophet to be followed just as he is followed, and likewise he said: I follow except what is revealed to me, what he said, I should do or sa

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As for the lights of the winds, they are the manifestations of the distant name, and they are manifestations whose name should not be mentioned, and they are only for people of inspiration, and the manifestation in the lights of the angels is an introduction to this, but in the inner, not the outward, in particular, and they are the angels of luminations and inspiration in particular, and the manifestation in this manifestation is upon the souls, and from this manifestation. Thoughts are all windy, because winds pass by and do not remain. If someone says that they are constant, then they are not wind. Therefore, they are described as passing and are called thoughts, and they are those that go away, and the smeller is what is permanent. As for the manifestation in natural lights, it is the formal manifestation that is compounded, and it gives knowledge according to the forms that appear in it, and it is general in nature. The astronomy is down to the lowest insects, and it is the s

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As for the lights of the names, they designate the names of information. It is a light that extends over non-existent things and existing things, and the extension of its expansion is not infinite, and the eye moves along with its expansion, so the light of the eye of the person of this station expands, and he knows what is infinite, just as he is not ignorant of what is infinite through the multiplication of numbers. This is the sign of one whose sight is truth, for the names are all. Existent, and the names, some of which are non-existent in themselves, and some of which are prior to non-existence in themselves, are those that accept existence, and conditions do not accept existence with the naming of all of that, so the names have the encompassing and encompassing of God and not of anyone else, so they are in the rank of the divine names, and Adam did not prefer the angels except by encompassing him with the knowledge of the names, for if it were not for the names, there would

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As for the lights of generators, mothers, causes, and causes, it is a divine manifestation of His being influencing and of His being an answerer when asked, a forgiver when asked for forgiveness, and a giver when asked. And with this manifestation and these lights, you learn His saying, “Those who pledge allegiance to you only pledge allegiance to God,” and also His saying, the Almighty, “Whoever obeys the Messenger has obeyed God,” and His saying, “Blessed be He.” And God Almighty says that charity falls in the hand of the Most Merciful.

And His saying, “Lend to God a good loan,” and His saying, peace be upon him, “Indeed, God rejoices in the repentance of His servant.

So understand.

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