The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

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It is mentioned in the Arabic language that God Almighty said, “And it was as a form of dust, spread out.” Likewise, when Ali ibn Abi Talib saw it, I mean this jewel spread out in all natural forms, and that no form is devoid of it, as there is no form except in this jewel. He called it as a form of dust, and it is with every form in its truth and is indivisible. It is not indivisible, nor is it characterized by imperfection. Rather, it is like the whiteness that exists in every white thing in its essence and reality, and it cannot be said that the whiteness has been diminished as much as it has occurred in this white, for this is like the state of this jewel.

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God Almighty appointed four levels between this spirit, described with the two attributes, and aerosol, and He made each level a place for four properties, and He made these properties like rulers over what He, Glory be to Him, created in the world, from the high to the low, and He granted each of these angels the knowledge of what He wants to enact in the world. The first Something that God created in the entities, to which the knowledge and management of these angels relate, is the universal body, and the first form He created in this body is the spherical, round shape, since it was the best of forms. Then, glory be to Him, He descended with creation and creation to the perfection of workmanship and made all that God Almighty created the kingdom of these angels and appointed them over its affairs in this world and the hereafter. And He protected them from disobeying what He commanded them to do, so God Almighty told us that they do not disobey God in what He commanded them, but

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And when the creation of the generators of inanimate objects, plants, and animals ended with the end of seventy-one thousand years of the years of the world, which we count, He arranged the world in a wise order, and God Almighty did not combine anything of what He created from the first existing to the last born, which is the animal, in His hands, the Almighty, except for man, which is this physical creation. Rather, He created everything else, either by a divine command or by a single hand. God Almighty said, “Our word for a thing, if We will it, is that We say to it, ‘Be,’ and it is.” This is by a divine command. It is reported in the report that God Almighty created the Garden of Eden with His own hand, wrote the Torah with His own hand, and planted a blessed tree with His own hand. And He created Adam, who is man, with His own hands .

God Almighty said to Iblis, in honor of Adam, peace be upon him: What prevents you from prostrating to what I created with My own hand

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And when God created the lowest astronomy, which is the first mentioned above, He divided it into twelve sections, which He called, God Almighty said, “And the sky with the constellations.” So He made each section a constellation and made those sections refer to four in nature. Then He repeated each of the four in three places within it and made these sections like mansions and fountains. In which the travelers disembark and the walkers travel in them while they are walking and traveling, so that He may descend in these sections when the planets move in them and travel in them. What God will happen in the interior of this orbit regarding the stars that are cut off by their travel in these signs, so that God will happen when they are cut off and on their travels, whatever God wills that God will happen in the interior of this orbit. The planets that intersect their course in these signs, so that God may cause, when they intersect and their course, whatever He wishes to occur in the

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So, a division of these four whose nature is heat and dryness, the second is cold and dryness, the third is heat and humidity, and the fourth is coldness and humidity. He made the fifth and ninth of these divisions like the first, and made the sixth and tenth like the second, and made the seventh and eleventh like the third, and made the eighth and twelfth like the fourth. I mean in nature, so he enumerated natural bodies. In contrast to the elemental bodies, there is no disagreement regarding these four, which are heat, cold, humidity, and dryness, and although they are four mothers, God made two of them originate in the existence of the other two, so the dryness is triggered by heat and moisture by cold. Humidity and dryness exist due to two causes, which are heat and cold, and for this reason God mentioned in the Almighty’s saying, “And no.” Wet and not dry, except in a clear Book, because the cause is necessary from the fact that it is caused by the existence of the cause, or

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And when God created this first sphere, it went on a cycle whose end is unknown except to God Almighty, because there is nothing above it limited by the bodies that can be cut through, for it is the first of the transparent bodies, so the movements are multiple and distinct, and God had not created anything in its interior, so the movements are distinct and end with the one who is in it. Its core, even if it were, would not be distinguished either because it is an atlas with no planet in it that has similar parts, so the extent of one movement of it is not known and cannot be determined. If there was a part in it that was different from the rest of its parts, its movements would be counted by it without a doubt, but God knew its magnitude, its end, and its frequency, so He spoke about that movement today, and then there was neither night nor day. On this day, then the movements of this ark continued, so God created thirty-five angels, adding them to the sixteen angels we mentioned

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