The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

The fourth rank of existence, just as the neglected H is in the fourth rank of the letters’ exits in the human soul. However, the letter has a verbal form in speech that is perceptible to the hearing, and this Hiba’i essence has no such existence and this name that is assigned to it. Copied from Ali bin Abi Talib, may God be pleased with him. God is about him, but as for us, we call him the Phoenix, for he is heard by his remembrance and understands, but he does not exist in the eye, and he is not known in reality except by examples given, just as the fact that the truth is the light of the heavens and the earth is not known by its reality, but rather we know the truth by it by means of a proverb, so he said the likeness of his light is like a niche in the verse, so he mentioned the things that befit the lamp that is compared to it. The light of the heavens and the earth, and He is the one with whom the upper intellects are illuminated. This is His saying, “The heavens and the nat

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And whoever knows the divine breadth knows that nothing is repeated in existence, but rather the existence of proverbs in forms makes one imagine that they are objects of what has passed, and they are their likes, not their counterparts, and the likeness of a thing is what is itself. And know that this fourth intelligible from the existence of the mind in it appears the eye that accepts it. The rule of nature, which is the whole body that accepts the subtle, the dense, the opaque, and the transparent, and it is the one that will be mentioned in the second chapter after this, and this is reasonable. We have restricted its rank to be the fourth in terms of our view of its acceptance of the form of the body in particular, but in view of its reality, this is not its rank, nor is that name its name, but rather its name that is appropriate. It contains the universal truth, which is the soul of every right, and if a right is devoid of it, it is not a right. That is why he, peace be upon

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