The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

It is forbidden, do not know with evidence or rational proof, and no one will accept it, for God Almighty does not resemble anything, and nothing resembles Him. So how can someone who resembles things know someone whom nothing resembles, and nothing resembles Him? Your knowledge of Him is only that there is nothing like Him, and God Himself warns you. The Sharia prohibits contemplating the essence of God .

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It is the universal truth that belongs to the truth and to the world. It is not characterized by existence, non-existence, occurrence, or antiquity. It is in the ancient, if it is described by it as ancient, and in the new, if a new is described by it. You do not know the information, its ancientness or its recentness, until you know this truth, and this truth does not exist until the things described by it exist. If anything exists - From non-existence, such as the existence of the truth and its attributes, it is said to have an ancient existence in order to do justice to the truth, and if something exists from non-existence, such as the existence of anything other than God, who is the originator who exists through something other than Him, it is said to be created, and it is in all that exists in its reality, for it does not accept division, so there is in it neither all nor part, nor is it connected. To know it is devoid of form with evidence or proof. From this truth, the world ca

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He is the human being, the caliph whom God has made in this oppressed world under His subjugation. God Almighty said, “And He has subjected to you whatever is in the heavens and whatever is on the earth entirely from Him. So whoever knows this information, there is nothing left for him to know at all that he seeks, and from it there is what we do not know except its existence, and it is the Truth, Most High. Learn its actions and attributes by a variety of examples, including What is known only by example, such as knowledge of universal truth, and among them is what is known in these two ways and in what is and how, which is the world and man .

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God was and nothing was with Him

Then He was included in Him

And now He is as He is

It was as if He had not returned to Him from His creation of the knowledgeable attribute. He was not on it, but rather he was described to himself and called before his creation by the names by which his creation called him. So when he wanted the world to exist and began it according to what he knew of it through his knowledge of himself, he was moved by that holy will as one of the manifestations of his ascension to universal truth. It contains whatever forms and images he wishes, and this is the first thing to exist in the world. Ali bin Abi Talib, may God be pleased with him, Sahl bin Abdullah, may God have mercy on him, and other people of investigation, people of revelation and existence, mentioned it. Then God, Glory be to Him, manifested His light into that void, and they call him the possessors of the divine ideas, and the whole world is in him. With strength and

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