The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

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Two multiplications, multiply by the existence of its causes, such as the crafts of the world, such as the coffin for the carpenter and the wall for the builder, and all the crafts of the world, and all are created by God Almighty, and the addition to the carpenter, even though the carpenter did not rely independently in making the coffin with his hand alone, but rather with various tools of iron and other things, then these are the causes of trade, and the work of the coffin is not added to anything. Rather, the coffin was added because it was the work of its maker and was not made except with a machine, then another addition, which is that if the carpenter made it for himself, the coffin was added to it because it belonged to him, and this is his saying, “And I did not create the jinn and mankind except that they should worship me, so to Him belongs the dominion of the heavens and the earth, and if the wood belongs to someone else, then the coffin is of In terms of his workmansh

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This is the remembrance of monotheism by denying what is other than Him and what He is, then if it is not then and you deny the denial, then it is proven, for God Almighty says, “And your Lord has decreed that you should not worship anyone but Him, for He is not worshiped among what He worships except Allah”

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And this monotheism is over thirty-six, I mean what is mentioned in the Qur’an in terms of what is the word of God, so some of it is the monotheism of the one, and for this some divine scholars see that God is the one who united the one, and if His unification had not occurred, then there is someone in whom it is said that He is one, for His oneness has revealed the one, and from Him what is It is the monotheism of God, and it is the monotheism of divinity, and some of it is the monotheism of identity. Let us mention all of this in this chapter, and what God Almighty has in this Tahlil of divine names, and we will not add to what is stated in the Qur’an about that, which is thirty-six places, which are ten degrees of the sphere, which God made the creation of beings according to its movements. Of the types of existents from the world of spirits and bodies, light and darkness, these thirty-six are God’s right from the existents that exist in the world, for they are among the essenc

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And it is the Almighty’s saying: “And your God is one God. There is no god but He, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.” This is the monotheism of the One

By the name, the Most Merciful, who has the soul, so he began with it, because if it were not for the soul, the letters would not have appeared, and if it were not for the letters, the words would not have appeared, so he denied divinity. About every single person, God Almighty alone, except for his oneness, so he confirmed his divinity by the identity that he restored to his one name, and the first epithet was given to him by the Most Merciful because he is the owner of the soul, and such a remembrance is called a tahlil from al-Ihlaal, which is raising the voice, that is, if he mentions there is no god but God, the voice is raised, which is the soul emerging with it. All

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