The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

I worked so that they would know the truthfulness of the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace. So the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, said to him, “I am one of them, so see what you say and how you say it. Go to Abu Bakr, for he is more knowledgeable about lineage, and he will tell you so that you do not say words that go back to the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, and then you will be doing what they did.” So he said. Hassan bin Thabit has him. By God, I will release you from among them just as a hair is released from dough, because nothing of the dough is attached to it.

And so on with the chapter on glorification, for it is pureness, and transcendence means nothingness, not pureness. Rather, it is to be freed from every attribute that indicates the occurrence of its pureness. With antiquity and the attributes of occurrence are only for newly created things, and here the beginnings have passed in the knowl

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In the remembrance with takbeer

God Almighty said, “And the remembrance of God is greater.” And God mentioned the Qur’an, so remember it with the Qur’an. Do not make it takbir with your takbeer, since He has commanded you to say takbeer, so He said, “And takbir it with takbeer on behalf of the child, the partner, and the guardian, and do not neglect in this takbir his saying, ‘From humiliation, then bind him,’ for he says, ‘If you support Allah. He will support you, so we did not support him in humiliation. That is why he said, “And he has no protector of humiliation,” for he has called you to support him, so that he may fulfill the image in which he created you its due, because he says, “He gave everything his creation.” So from giving him the image in which he created you, he created it, which is the very right of it, to ask it for his assistance, for he is the supporter. He said, “Be supporters of God, and the supporter is the guardian, so this is his restriction. So if you

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Based on this issue, the question of whether the slave owns or does not own is based. Whoever sees the partnership of causes without which causes cannot exist does not establish a partner in ownership, because the cause is from ownership, and it is like a machine, and the machine creates in it what is the property of the creator, just as the machine is the property of the creator and what it owns. The machine is a thing, so for this reason the takbīr is restricted from the partner in the kingdom, not in the creation, because God Almighty created things on a basis .

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