The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

Nothing remains in existence except the Divine Presence, in particular, except that in His saying, “Thee we worship” in relation to Himself for the first creation, since no other than Him is imaginable, and “Thee we seek help” in the right of other than Him for the creation derived from Him, which is the subject of the secret of the caliphate. So to Thee we seek help. The angels prostrated themselves. And he who is arrogant refuses.

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In the Almighty’s saying: “Guide us to the straight path, the path of those upon whom You have bestowed goodness, not of those upon whom is wrath, nor of those who go astray.”

Amen. So when he said to him, “It is You we worship, and You we seek help,” he said to him, “And what is my worship?” He said, “The proof of monotheism in the plural.” And separation, when it became established in the soul that salvation lies in the oneness which It is the straight path, and it is the self’s witness of its annihilation or its continuation, if it neglects. She said, “Guide us to the straight path,” so she was presented with her straight saying, two crooked paths, which is the path of supplication, and a straight path, which is monotheism. So she had no distinction between the two paths except according to those who walked on them, so she saw her Lord walking on the straight path, so she recognized Him by Him, and she looked at herself and found between her and her Lord who It is the spir

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Seeing beauty with the eye of connection. God Almighty said: Indeed, as for those who disbelieve, it is the same for them, whether you warn them or do not warn them. They do not believe. The seal of God is upon their hearts and upon their hearing, and upon their sight there is a covering. They are a great punishment. Briefly explain it, O Muhammad. Indeed, those who disbelieve will hide their love from them, so it is the same. It is upon them whether you warn them of your warning with which I sent you, or you do not warn them. They will not believe in your words, for they do not understand anything other than Me, and you warn them of my creation, and they have not understood it nor seen it. How can they believe in you? I have sealed their hearts and have not made room in them for anything other than me and for their hearing, so they do not hear words in the world except from Me, and there is a deceit over their eyes. Wow From my splendor when you see me, they will see no one but m

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See how God Almighty concealed His saints in the description of His enemies. This is when the faithful created His beautiful name and made it clear to them in His beautiful name, so they loved Him, the Almighty. Jealousy is one of the characteristics of love in the beloved, and the lover has two different faces, so they concealed his love for others over him, such as Al-Shibli and his likes, and He concealed them with this jealousy from being known, so God Almighty said, “Indeed, Those who disbelieved, that is, they concealed what appeared to them in their observation of the secrets of connection. So He said, “I must conceal from you Myself with My attributes, so prepare for that.” They did not prepare, and I warned them on the tongues of My prophets and messengers in that world, but they did not know, because they were in the eye of gathering, and He addressed them from the eye of separation, and they did not know the world of detail, so they did not prepare, and it was Love had

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